
Thunder Force (2021)

Thunder Force, directed by Ben Falcone, is set in a world torn apart by crime, which terrifies the population. Scientist Emily Stanton (Octavia Spencer) has developed a technology that allows ordinary people to acquire some superpowers, so they can fight rampant super-crime.
Accidentally Emily's best friend Lydia (Melissa McCarthy) gets in touch with the technological process and gains some formidable skills. Together the two women decide to build a team of superheroines, Thunder Force, with the task of protecting the city of Chicago from violence and defeating the one who is in charge of the supervillains, the King (Bobby Cannavale).

Thunder Force (2021)
Thunder Force (2021)
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Original title:

Thunder Force

Year: 2021
Country: USA
Time:1h 46min
Director:Ben Falcone
  • Thunder Force (2021)
  • Trailer