
Riverdance: The Animated Adventure (2021)

Having stood in a nightclub watching the original Riverdance play on a tv with no sound but nevertheless being transfixed by the pure originality and in following years loving the extended show that was spawned from it. I was really looking forward to watching this title. I should also point out that I'm Irish born and bred!! I had hoped to see something along the lines of the amazing Brown Bag studios titles such as Book of Kells, where the animation was amazing and the voice cast matched the local dialect and accents, however, this film failed. While a handful of the voices were Irish they were almost "hammed" Irish and then the rest of the voices were American or at least very American soumdong. This disappointed me greatly. I'm sure kids will enjoy it and it may spawn another rush of people wanting to learn "new" Irish dancing because this was not even close to what I spent 8 years suffering through during my primary school years. But with a more clinical and critical viewing this is by far not the best animated Irish story. I will say that through extreme screening of the animated characters danving almost all the steps look accurate even that of the dancing deer. On the whole I will be digging out my dvd copy of Riverdance the human version and enjoy that a billion times more.

Riverdance: The Animated Adventure (2021)
Riverdance: The Animated Adventure (2021)
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Original title:

Riverdance: The Animated Adventure

Year: 2021
Country: UK, Ireland
Time:1h 30min
  • Riverdance: The Animated Adventure (2021)
  • Trailer