Incredibles 2 (2018)
The animated film tells of the next adventure that happens to the well-known superheroes Helen and Robert Parr. Every day, they are constantly on the human guard, protecting them from attacks by various types of criminals. The world should be grateful to them because, because of their efforts, it continues to exist and flourish. But he is not only in serious danger when he tried to capture insidious criminals, to subdue all who live in it. Many locals appreciate everything that is like Parr, they are grateful for the fact that they protect them from scams, thieves, criminals and prohindeev. However, at some point heroes are seriously threatened. There are such subjects who want to remove them and for this they file complaints against them in court.
After the superhero, Parr was loaded and brought some evidence that their activities could hurt people, they ceased to intervene in the affairs of citizens. This has led to a marked increase in crime in the city and its surroundings. Meanwhile, Mr. Exclusiv becomes a family man, now he is paying attention to his wife and children. As the situation in the city starts to warm up and a dangerous danger appears, the situation requires immediate intervention. In connection with the court ban, Robert and Helen can not violate this oath, but have talented and capable children. The young generation begins to act, preventing catastrophes, crimes, fires and robberies.
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Original title:Incredibles 2
Time:1h 58min