Arctic Justice (2018)
Cartoon "Arctic Justice" introduces the viewer to the Arctic Fox Swifti, who will prevent a global catastrophe. Inside the icy desert life rages. Here peacefully there are different kinds of four-legged, which build cities and work. Privileged caste are considered postal dogs. This is an elite Husky unit, engaged in the delivery of letters and parcels. Swifty wants to join the legendary squad, but he is considered too young, and not allowed until the selection. Lisyonok is not going to give up the dream, so he gets a job at the post office, hoping to transfer to the fast delivery department in the future.
Once, fate gives the kid such a chance. All dogs are busy, but there was a need to send an urgent parcel to one of the remote corners of the Arctic. Of course, Swifty is called to perform this work, and is sent to a dangerous path. This task introduces the fox to the walrus Otto von Wolrus, who harbors insidious plans to destroy the land. The villain is going to provoke global warming and melt the ice at both poles of the planet. See the cartoon "Arctic Justice: Squad Thunder" and find out that Swifty is the only one who can stop the ambitious walrus.
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Original title:Arctic Justice
Time:1h 30min