
Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty - Concept Short (2018)

Writer-director-actor Darin Southam has always wondered one thing.

"The fifth best-selling book of all time (is) The Book of Mormon," he said. "So why hasn't there been a film made? Why hasn't there been a film made? ... We are going to change that."

It wasn't even a weekend, but the theater showing "Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty" in the Coral Cliffs Cinema, Hurricane, was close to being full as Southam spoke to the audience about his passion project.

Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty - Concept Short (2018)
Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty - Concept Short (2018)
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Original title:

Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty - Concept Short

Year: 2018
Country: USA
Genres: Action / New Movies
Time:1h 30min
Director:Darin Southam
  • Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty - Concept Short (2018)
  • Trailer