Stalked by My Doctor: Patient's Revenge (2018)
The plot of the film “Haunted by its Doctor” revolves around the talented and experienced doctor Beck, who during his long career managed to save a huge number of lives. Over the years of his professional activity, he has gained undisputed authority in scientific circles. The whole district knows about his outstanding medical feats. Professionalism and hard work not only made the hero famous, but also brought him a fortune. It would seem that life was a success. But not everything is as beautiful as it seems at first glance. The fact is that in the life of an aging Beck there is not enough love. Many times he tried to start a romantic relationship, but every time his idea failed. This leads the doctor to the realization that it is extremely difficult for him to get along with women ...
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Original title:Stalked by My Doctor: Patient's Revenge
Time:1h 28min