
The Collective (2023)

Sam is excellent in martial arts and knows weapons well. He has only recently become a member of the organization of hired assassins and now he has to fulfill his first task. He has to kill criminals who kidnap people and then put them up for sale. The most important enemy among them is Miro Lander - a dangerous, cunning, unpredictable mafia. It is not easy to find his place, so when the opportunity arises, the mercenaries do not have time to develop a detailed plan. Sam must act on the situation and choose between risking his life and completing the task.
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The Collective (2023)
The Collective (2023)
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Original title:

The Collective

Year: 2023
Country: United States
Genres: Action / New Movies
Time:1h 26m
Director:Tom DeNucci
  • The Collective (2023)
  • Trailer