
Called to Duty (2023)

The main character is a pilot. He knows his job perfectly, and skill, combined with qualities such as courage and determination, give an excellent result and make him indispensable when performing dangerous tasks. One day, the lieutenant is entrusted with an important mission: the country is threatened by a nuclear threat, which means that retaliatory measures must be taken urgently to prevent a catastrophe. The command draws up a plan of action, but at the most inopportune moment the unexpected happens, and now it is up to the hero if he can save millions of lives.
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Called to Duty (2023)
Called to Duty (2023)
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Original title:

Called to Duty

Year: 2023
Country: United States
Genres: Action / New Movies
Time:1h 30min
Director:Ashley L. Gibson
  • Called to Duty (2023)
  • Trailer