
Fear the Night (2023)

The main character once made a difficult decision and became a soldier in the US army. Tess participated in the war in Iraq and saw a lot during this time. After returning to the US, he resigned and returned to his hometown. By then, her physical injuries have long since healed, but her psyche has not fully recovered, so the heroine still often has nightmares. To help Tess recover, one of her friends suggests that they all get together and have fun. However, the party turns into a complete nightmare when the building is taken over by aliens. Tess understands that the situation is very dangerous and only she herself can help her friends now, but for this she must overcome her own inner fears.
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Fear the Night (2023)
Fear the Night (2023)
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Original title:

Fear the Night

Year: 2023
Country: United States
Genres: Action / Thriller / New Movies
Time:1h 32m
Director:Neil LaBute
  • Fear the Night (2023)
  • Trailer