
Shrapnel (2023)

The main character served a long time in the Marine Corps, and now he has returned to civilian life. Once, he was very disturbed by a strange call from his daughter, during which he asked for her forgiveness, then admitted that he had serious problems. After that, Sean immediately goes in search of the girl. He finds her car abandoned in one of the Mexican border towns. However, when the hero calls the police for help, they are in no hurry to do anything and open a case. Then, seeing no other way out, the man himself takes up the investigation, drawing some of his old friends to him. Soon, he contacts a large drug-trafficking organization that has ties to government officials and the police.
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Shrapnel (2023)
Shrapnel (2023)
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Original title:


Year: 2023
Country: United States
Genres: Action / Thriller / New Movies
Time:1h 29m
Director:William Kaufman
  • Shrapnel (2023)
  • Trailer