
Haunting of the Queen Mary (2023)

The family is about to go on a trip on a beautiful line. They will sail on the Queen Mary, which was not chosen by chance. The fact is that the couple are writers, and lately they haven't had enough ideas to write new books. And this line is known for its legends of terrible and mysterious disappearances and murders of people. Many believe that ghosts are to blame for this, but is it really so? Of course, Patrick and Anna do not believe in any mysticism, but while swimming, their son claims to have witnessed the manifestation of paranormal phenomena. Later, the ghosts take the boy and now the parents must find a way to save their son.
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Haunting of the Queen Mary (2023)
Haunting of the Queen Mary (2023)
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Original title:

Haunting of the Queen Mary

Year: 2023
Genres: Drama / Horror / Mystery / New Movies
Time:1h 54m
Director:Gary Shore
  • Haunting of the Queen Mary (2023)
  • Trailer