
Oracle (2023)

The main character was born and raised in a small town. She remembers practically nothing about her childhood, which influenced the formation of her character. Growing up, Shay became very withdrawn, which is why her personal life still hasn’t worked out. Now the girl is studying at the university, and in her free time she works as a nanny. One day she is hired by a wealthy family who lives in an old rich mansion. When the heroine crosses his threshold, she immediately remembers all her old fears and nightmares from her dreams. It turns out that the previous owner of this house was distinguished by her despotism and cruelty towards her slaves. Now their souls are locked in this place and take revenge on everyone who finds themselves on their territory.
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Oracle (2023)
Oracle (2023)
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Original title:


Year: 2023
Country: United States
Genres: Horror / New Movies
Time:1h 25m
Director:Daniel di Grado
  • Oracle (2023)
  • Trailer