
The Hive (2023)

The main characters are married, but their relationship leaves much to be desired, since the wife believes that the husband spends too much time at work and does not devote enough time to his family. One day the couple plans to have a romantic evening. They go to the opera, after which they want to have dinner. However, on the way home they have to stop due to a flat tire. At this moment, Penny suddenly realizes that these places are familiar to her. When the spouses do return to their home, they meet another couple on its threshold. So Penny and her husband find themselves trapped by two sadists who demand some kind of access from them. But if the main character doesn’t even know what they mean, then her husband immediately understands what’s going on.
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The Hive (2023)
The Hive (2023)
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Original title:

The Hive

Year: 2023
Country: United States
Time:1h 26m
Director:Jared Allmond
  • The Hive (2023)
  • Trailer