
Squealer (2023)

Residents of a small town are shocked by the news of a series of murders of young girls committed by some maniac. The sheriff is trying to investigate this case, but so far he has no leads. But one day, an elderly couple accidentally hits a young woman on the road. It turns out that she was the last victim of a serial killer and she only miraculously managed to escape from him. True, she can do absolutely nothing to help the police investigation. At the same time, Lisa is trying to support people who find themselves in desperate situations. She teams up with Jack, wanting to help him stop the killer. The heroes eventually manage to find a small pig farm located far from the city, but then the couple themselves fall into a trap set by a maniac.
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Squealer (2023)
Squealer (2023)
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Original title:


Year: 2023
Country: United States
Time:1h 40m
Director:Andy Armstrong
  • Squealer (2023)
  • Trailer