Surge (2020)
Well its an intersting Concept and basically the Arthouse Version of "Joker" so to say. Without a doubt an amibtious Project and it started off very well and exciting but then lost itself in trivality. The Problem is that you felt writer and director did not really know what to do once his leading characters reached the Peak and it started to be repetive and even unlogical to some Points. Ben Whishaw is great in the leading role, often even very irrating which was absolutely intetioned and fitted his characters transofrmation. The actress who played his mother also touched my heart and pulled the right strings. The rest of the cast is solid but not really too noteworthy as they appear as quickly as they disappear again. The shakey camera Thing was definitely overdone. Anyway the film is the invitation into the brain of a man who suffers from a mental breakdown and goes on an Anarchist self finding trip. I am not sure what the film tries to tell us, except that crazy People often emerge from the normal ones.