
Justice League: Warworld (2023)

The Justice League is always to protect the world from villains and monsters. But one day, during one of the battles, the unexpected happens, and an unknown force transfers the heroes to other universes. After that, Batman must face magic, Wonder Woman gets to know the dangerous world of the Wild West, and Superman, who has completely lost his unique abilities, faces hostile aliens. But the difficulty of the situation in which the heroes found themselves is not only to give a worthy rebuttal to new threats, but also to figure out how to return to their own universe.
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Justice League: Warworld (2023)
Justice League: Warworld (2023)
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Original title:

Justice League: Warworld

Year: 2023
Country: United States
Time:1h 29m
Director:Jeff Wamester
  • Justice League: Warworld (2023)
  • Trailer