
Spider-Man 2: Another World (2018)

In the center of the storyline is a teenager, an African American from New York, named Miles Morales. Recently, Morales discovered the unique super abilities inherent in the spider. He perfectly sees, can cling his feet and hands on the surface of the building, lets the web. Miles realizes that with such force comes a great responsibility. Combining the lessons and adventurous life of the superhero, Morales does not even realize that somewhere in the universe there are the same as he who possesses unique superhuman abilities, but some of them use them for their own gain and gain. Miles will face a powerful enemy whose intentions are very dangerous. You can also download a movie torrent.

Spider-Man 2: Another World (2018)
Spider-Man 2: Another World (2018)
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Original title:

Spider-Man 2: Another World

Year: 2018
Country: UK
Genres: Sci-Fi / New Movies
Time:1h 30min
Director:Joey Lever
  • Spider-Man 2: Another World (2018)
  • Trailer